How long does it take to become an airline pilot?


Become a pilot is a training system, promoted by three prestigious international aviation organizations: IATA (International Air Transport Association), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), and IFALPA (International Federation of Airline Pilot Associations). It almost takes 90 days to 120 days to become a skilled pilot. This system aims to train pilots practically, instead of measuring the execution of maneuvers and facts individually. In other words, it is committed to training where all the factors are practiced at the same time, instead of doing it separately.

How long does it take to become an airline pilot?

At first, the basic competencies that a pilot must acquire are identified:

  1. Application of procedures
  2. Communication
  3. Flightpath management, automation
  4. Flightpath management, manual control
  5. Leadership and teamwork
  6. Problem-solving and decision making
  7. Analysis of the situation
  8. Workload management (quantity)

In the EBT, each competition is accompanied by a performance indicator, which measures whether the pilot’s capabilities reach the expected levels. It takes almost 3 to 4 months. So let’s start by briefly describing each competency:

1. Application of procedures

The application of procedures refers to the ability to identify a situation and to be able to apply the procedures that best suit the situation.

For this competition, it is considered a performance indicator, for example, that the pilot follows the SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) unless a higher degree of safety is implemented or that he knows how to identify and follow instructions punctually and promptly.

 2. Communication

This competence is defined as applying verbal and non-verbal language to manage all kinds of situations, even those for which the pilot did not previously train.

Behavioral indicators can be the appropriate selection of what, when, how, and with whom to communicate; the use of eye contact, body movement, and gestures, which are consistent with the support of verbal messages.

 3 – 4. Flightpath management

This section includes the third and fourth competences. It is based on the management of the flight and its trajectory. In the third, the use of automation systems is measured and the fourth in the manual control.

These competencies aim to measure the same thing, but through different systems, they have similar behavioral indicators. One of them is, for example, that the pilot can keep the aircraft (plane, light aircraft, etc.) within the appropriate flight envelope.

The flight envelope is the set of aircraft parameters, such as speed or altitude, for the aircraft to control. If it leaves the flight envelope, either due to speeding or some other, the aircraft could lose control.

They are only distinguished on two points between competencies, such as controlling the plane safely using only the relationship between altitude, speed, and force.

5. Leadership and teamwork

It is based on the effective demonstration of leadership and teamwork. When evaluating this competence, the performance indicators will be, for example, if the pilot can understand and accept the crew’s roles and objectives.

Remember that the world of aviation is very hierarchical. Each member of the crew must know their position and how to act with others based on it.

Also, other factors are also measured, such as whether the pilot can project self-control at all times.

 6. Problem solving and decision making

The ability to identify risks and solve problems is defined; and the appropriate use of decision-making processes. The behavioral indicators that highlight the pilot can identify and verify what has gone wrong and why. Also, the pilot can correctly prioritize the different factors or that he is the ability to improvise in unforeseen situations is valued positively within the training.

7. Analysis of the situation

This refers to the perception and understanding of all the relevant information available and the ability to anticipate possible events that may affect the operation.

As for indicators of behavior, the pilot’s ability to anticipate possible scenarios is evaluated and that, consequently, he plans the flight strategy and stays above the situation at all times.

8. Workload management

It is the efficient management of available resources to perform tasks on time in all circumstances. The instructors for this competition measure whether the pilot can. Dor example, maintain self-control at all times or plan, prioritize, and schedule tasks correctly.