How to choose comfortable pickleball shoes

Looking for pickleball footwear that is comfortable is very crucial. The reason as to why one must look for comfortable shoes when playing pickleball is because comfort brings a good playing experience. Comfort is also key to avoid any unnecessary injuries. You can never play well and good when you are suffering. You have to make sure that you are comfortable always when you are playing to stand a chance to be the best. There are so many ways through which one can choose comfortable pickleball footwear. Below are some of the ways to know that a shoe is comfortable.

Choose features that are comfortable

The first step when you are choosing a comfortable and the best pickleball shoes 2019 is through looking for features that can offer you maximum comfort. Below are some comfort features to note

  • Look for designs that are built for comfort

There are so many pickleball shoes out there but not all of them are built in a comforting manner. Some manufacturers forget the comfort factor and replace it with style. The style will never help you in any way when you are playing pickleball. Choose a shoe that will not give you unnecessary injuries such as blisters and other skin tearing effects during the game. The shoe should be made in a manner that reduces friction considering that you will be in motion most of the time. The ankle collar should be present to prevent rubbing and friction. The middle sole of the shoe should be able to absorb shock and help in the controlling of the foot motion. You may also be interested to visit pickleball courts in Colorado.

  • Flexibility

Another comforting thing to look for when choosing the best pickleball shoes 2019 is flexibility. When playing pickleball, it is true that a lot of movement is involved. You should never be in a situation where the shoes are the ones making you not to be on time. Flexibility comes with the right weight and the right support. You can always test these features before you decide on purchasing a shoe for your game. You can test shoe flexibility by yourself. Wear the shoe and try running on them or pretend you are playing. That way, you will know if the shoes will hinder your movement or will be flexible enough to support your movement.

  • Weight

Weight is very important when it comes to choosing pickleball shoes. Choose shoes that you will be able to move around with. Also, the weight of the shoes that you choose will determine if you will have enough support, balance, and comfort. The factors that affect the shoe weight are the material and the sole. To make sure that the shoe you are about to choose is of the right weight, you can always test. Wear the shoes then try moving with them.

  • Cushioning

Choosing a shoe with the right cushioning is very important. Different types of shoes have different types of cushioning depending on the activity that you are involved in. For example, shoes for running always have more cushion on the heel side. Shoes for walking will always have more cushion on the ball side. Always know where enough cushion should be in your pickleball shoe before you make your purchase.

The shape of your foot

The second way to buy a shoe that is comfortable for your pickleball game is by knowing the shape of your foot. To find the right pickleball shoe, you have to do the following

  • Measure your feet

The first important step to take when you are finding the right shoe size is knowing your measurements. You can only tell the right size when you measure your feet. So many people have feet that have sizes that are different. To find the best size, buy a shoe that will fit your larger feet. There are also so many different types of feet. Either way, find out the correct measurements before you decide on the shoe to wear.

  • Always make sure that your feet fit

Although this point sounds obvious, it is true that you should always find a shoe that your feet will rest comfortably. Remember that you will be moving up and down from one place to another. If you do not find a show that will fit well, you are most likely to suffer during the game. That said, always find a show that fits your foot very well.

  • Be keen on the details of the shoe

Before you buy the best pickleball shoes 2019, always look for the details of the product and read them very carefully. All pickleball players know very well that fashion and style don’t matter when it comes to choosing the right shoes. What matters is how comfortable a shoe can be. To get a comfortable shoe for stability and support, you have to read the details on the shoe very carefully. That said, the product details are always very important.


There are so many shoes out there for pickleball sport but not all of them are suitable for pickleball game. You have to find a shoe that will be able to offer you maximum support and comfort if you really want to have nice gaming experience. For that to be possible, you have to be careful with your search. Look for a shoe that can offer you the comfort that you need as well as flexibility.